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Files a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in New Mexico

The estate of the young teen who is alleged to have died due to a drug overdose after a party at Expo New Mexico has filed a wrongful death lawsuit.

Back in 2013, ‘Hannah’ was found in the parking lot having ingested MDMA. Although the man accused of selling MDMA to Hannah pleaded guilty in March, investigations as to what exactly happened are ongoing.

The suit also states that the event organizers failed to provide a safe environment and that Hannah died from negligence of the paramedics who failed spot her condition. Her family is also suing the security firm that admitted Hannah to the rave despite being underage.

When asked about the case, the concert organizers said that they had hired extra security and medical personnel. They also added that the girl’s death was a tragedy and believe they did everything they could.

How New Mexico Defines Wrongful Death

According to the New Mexico Statutes section 41, wrongful death is caused by an illegal act, default of another, or neglect. The New Mexico Law lists deaths caused by illegal acts under the felony section. Wrongful death claims fall under personal injury law. New Mexico wrongful death claims are based in statute and in tort.

In some cases, the state may pursue a criminal charge against the involved parties, and criminal cases can interfere with wrongful death claims. Nonetheless, our attorneys at the Ruhmann Law firm can guide you on the way forward should a criminal case proceed on the stated facts.

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim

The New Mexico statutes section specifies that a wrongful death claim must be filed within 3 years from the date of the deceased death. Moreover, if you have a claim against the government, the deadline comes up only 6 months following the death. Having to deal with complicated legal issues can be burdensome and complex, so it’s always advisable to seek the assistance of a qualified and experienced attorney as soon as possible.

Our team of experienced El Paso wrongful death attorneys can help the families or beneficiaries of the deceased in filing a claim.

The Ruhmann personal injury attorneys are always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to guide our clients on the New Mexico wrongful death laws. Our lawyers are not only compassionate to your situation, but they are also committed to ensuring that you obtain justice with fair compensation for all damages suffered.

If your gut tells you that your loved one’s death should never have happened, and resulted from the negligence of another person or organization, you should definitely seek legal guidance.

Our dedicated attorneys at the Ruhmann Law Firm welcome your contact today. We’ll effectively evaluate your case and let you know of the available options. Call us at El Paso, Texas Office (915) 845-4529 or Las Cruces, New Mexico (575) 525-8542 today.

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